VBS Year in Review 2023: Celebrating Milestones and Advancements


Ar. Ankit Kansara

CEO | Think Tank

Last Updated:

Jan 10, 2024

Year In Review 2023

Revamped Website

Step into a new era with our 2023 website overhaul. We’ve revisited, upgraded, and introduced an engaging model to redefine user experience. If you haven’t visited yet, explore the transformed journey by checking out our website now.

Vbs Blog Inside-Min

BIM Leader

Virtual Building Studio is honored to be recognized among Silicon India’s ’10 Most Promising BIM Service Providers – 2023.’ This prestigious acknowledgment reflects our steadfast commitment to innovation, quality, and client satisfaction.

Bim Leader-Min

In the realm of Building Information Modeling (BIM), we haven’t just met but exceeded industry standards, ensuring exceptional project delivery.

A Proud Moment

A Proud Moment Min

Ankit, Founder & CEO of Virtual Building Studio, was honored with the esteemed Indian Archiver Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2023, showcasing his outstanding leadership and innovation in the past.

Connecting Coasts

Connecting Coasts-Min

Reflecting on a triumphant journey, our CEO traveled from Texas to California to fortify ties with a valued client and explore new prospects. This venture underscores our commitment to fostering meaningful connections and expanding our presence in the digitalization business landscape.

AU 2023 Recap

Vbs Year In Review 2023: Celebrating Milestones And Advancements

Ankit’s AU 2023 Visit: A Pivotal Chapter Defined by Valuable Connections, Partnerships, and Cutting-Edge Innovations. This experience exemplifies our commitment to leading in technology and fostering collaborations that drive progress.

Celebration Chronicles: Behind the Scenes

Our ‘Celebration Chronicles’ capture the essence of moments that filled the air with joy and togetherness. From the vibrant festivities of Navratri to the lively camaraderie of our Halloween extravaganza, the spirit of unity radiated brightly.

Celebration Chronicles Behind The Scenes-Min

Our Secret Santa exchange added an element of surprise, and the enthusiastic cheers from our cricket tournament echoed the thrill of friendly competition. The grandeur of Ganpati Utsav adorned our festivities, making it a year filled with shared laughter, cultural richness, and lasting connections.

Ar. Ankit Kansara

Ar. Ankit Kansara is the visionary Founder and CEO of Virtual Building Studio Inc., revolutionizing the architecture and construction industry with innovative BIM solutions. With a strong foundation in architecture and a global presence, Ankit leads the company in providing cutting-edge AEC services, embracing technology and pushing boundaries

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